Who owns the domain name?

The legitimate owner of the domain name is the “registrant”. If you registered your domain name yourself, you are the owner of that domain name. If this is the web agency that registered your domain name, make safe the name of the registrant is yours. The registrant has, in general, all the rights to the domain name, including the right to use and transfer. Purpose Contrary to trademark protection, qui est-governed by the Code of intellectual property, there is to date no law on domain names. The legal status of the domain name is determined by law case. This is why it is significant to have this information to protect the brand or trade name of the company. In general, the domain name must be renewed annually .



Are there any restrictions on domain name?

The .ca domains are managed by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA). You must have a Canadian civic address to register your domain name.

It is no longer possible to buy domain names .qc.ca since 12 October 2010. The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), which manages domain names .ca decided to stop managing and offer such areas because they represented a very small percentage of the domains used in the Canadian market.



Does the website belong to me?

Webalise transfers the property rights to the submission of final payment.


The photos found on the internet

The Copyright Act states that you can not copy or reproduce a work without the permission of the author. Unless the use is in the following cases:

  • private study or research
  • criticism and review
  • new communication

Also if the image is in the public domain, several images are truly royalty free and can be used. The Act protects a work by living artist and for a period following his death.



Is my site is mobile-friendly?
Having a website optimized for mobile devices is no longer an option! According to Google 30% of local searches are done on mobile devices. The smart phone has become the Yellow Pages on stéréoïdes..


Address (writing rules)

The street number is always followed by a comma.

Public Service addresses often include a room number or floor. In this sense, room and suite terms are layers of English and are therefore to be avoided. It indicates the office and upstairs on the same line as the street name.

The name of the city or municipality, is written along with an initial capital to the various label the elements. It also writes the name of the province or territory in words, next to the city name in parentheses.

The ZIP code is the last element of the address and is on the same line as the name of the municipality and the province, which is separated by two spaces . There is no hyphen in the ZIP code, but a space.


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